Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Big B little b what begins with "b"

Today was my first day of teaching. The girls, Trey and I journeyed to Sams club where they learned a valuable lesson....how to get your money back for a defective item, even if you don't have the receipt (it helped that they were able to look the purchase up on line). The kids were extremely patient and were rewarded with a trip around the store in which they could gawk at all the displayed toys (christmas really starts in September, didn't ya know). Let me be very clear, Selina, we ONLY looked at items beginning with the letter "b". They were then treated to an extremely unhealthy, artery clogging, bargain lunch at Sam's food court. An hour and a half later we were on our way home. The girls spent the rest of preschool time working on the letter "b" worksheets and finding items around the house that begin with "b".

Here's what we found.......

"B"ella and Quincy doing "b"ead work.

"b"lue "b"oots

"b"ikes- ok technically tricycles but c'mon.

"baby" "b"rother "b"abbling on the phone to his Dad.

As I was walking out the door this man stopped me and told me he thought I was such a patient, beautiful mother that I deserved beautiful flowers.

Please! nothing like that EVER happens to me. What really happened is........

A man stopped me as we were walking out the door and said Sam's club was giving away 2 dozen roses to show customer appreciation. Thanks, I said. I can dream, can't I?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

First Day

Selina hosted the first official day of preschool at her house. The girls were so excited. They learned all about the letter A.

Library Day

Activities at the library are a welcome addition to our preschool curriculum. This month is story and art.

Trey gets to hang out in the kiddie room. I can't believe he is getting sooooo BIG!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Preschool 101

Selina and I decided to attempt preschool on our own this year. We couldn't resist the memory making scenories we managed to conjure up in our imaginations. I imagine a month from now I'll regret this decision but today it seems like a great plan.